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Alva's Personality Profiles
Updated over 3 weeks ago

When evaluating candidates using Alva's Personality test for a particular position through Alva, the very first step is deciding on the requirements. This is why you choose a personality profile, i.e. you decide on the personality traits that are needed for the position you are hiring for.

According to Alva, an ideal personality profile is one that is based on your specific company data. In lack of such data, however, the best thing to do is to turn to the decades of research on what generally predicts performance in different roles. Luckily, Alva has done this work for you: Based on available published research, we have created a number of best practice personality profiles. These profiles are crafted to suit a number of different broad work roles, and will allow you to look for a “persona” that has turned out to be successful in these roles.

Below, you will find descriptions of the different profiles available: Which traits they are based on, which roles they are suitable for, and what kind of person they will help you identify.

Generic High Performer

This profile is crafted to apply to as wide an array of job roles as possible. It includes those traits that have turned out in research to predict job performance in almost all positions: logical ability and the three facets of Conscientiousness.

Use this profile when you are looking for

  • a results-oriented and ambitious ‘doer’, who has high performance standards for him- or herself as well as others

  • an organized person with a clear sense of structure

  • someone who is able to see what needs to be done, and is good at prioritizing between tasks

  • a quick learner who is eager to get up to speed, and is able to handle complex problems of many kinds.

Example roles: Law associate, controller, management consultant, analyst, trainee, HR specialist.

Leading Others

This profile uses a combination of predictors from the factors Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Emotional Stability, as well as logical ability. It is crafted to let you assess suitability for leadership positions with staff responsibilities.

Use this profile when you are looking for

  • a people leader who likes to drive towards ambitious targets and makes others want to follow

  • an executive self-starter who takes own initiatives and likes to take the lead

  • a highly energetic person who prefers to live and work at a high tempo

  • someone who is able to work well under pressure, remains stable and calm in stressful situations, and is able to lead the team through rough times.

Example roles: Operational leader roles; team lead, project manager, store manager, school principal.


This profile captures the success factors for strategic roles, including being conscientious, assertive, energetic, stable, and open, as well as the ability to solve complex problems. The profile is well-suited when you are selecting for e.g. senior leadership roles and strategic project manager roles.

Use this profile when you are looking for

  • a future-oriented change agent with a strong ability for big-picture, long-term thinking

  • a leader personality who can handle multiple internal and external stakeholders, and has the ability to drive complex processes

  • a bright and curious mind who learns quickly and is able to handle many different kinds of information

  • someone who is dynamic and innovative, thinks out of the box, and loves exploring new opportunities.

Example roles: Strategic leadership roles; management team members, executives, C-suite, regional managers, business unit managers.


This profile is crafted to target success in sales positions. In addition to a high logical ability, sales performance correlates with being conscientious, extraverted, and emotionally stable. The profile is suitable for selection to a wide array of sales roles.

Use this profile when you are looking for

  • a goal-oriented achiever with a passion for reaching measurable results

  • a self-starter who takes own initiatives in the sales process

  • someone who is able to close deals and push sales processes through to the end

  • a stable and positive person with the ability to work well under pressure, who prefers working at a high tempo and is able to multi-task

  • someone highly social, who conveys energy and enthusiasm to team and clients.

Example roles: Account manager, account executive, sales manager.


This profile draws on research showing that creative performance is predicted by the factors of Openness and Extraversion, with the addition of goal-striving and logical ability. It is suitable for selection to roles where creative performance is key.

Use this profile when you are looking for

  • a curious and innovative mind who loves to come up with new solutions and think outside the box

  • an explorer who is eager to meet new people and encounter new ideas and experiences

  • a social person who likes working in teams

  • a goal-oriented individual who combines creative thinking with a focus on results.

Example roles: Designer, UX, art director, illustrator, photographer.

Writing / Verbal

This profile is based on research showing that oral and written communication skills are predicted by the factors of Openness and Conscientiousness, as well as by logical ability. This profile is suitable for selection to roles where communication is central.

Use this profile when you are looking for

  • an excellent communicator who is able to convey his/her message effectively, both orally and in writing

  • a creative writer with the ability to translate company messages into compelling texts

  • a goal-oriented person with a good sense of structure

  • a curious mind who likes using knowledge creatively and is passionate about understanding and learning.

Example roles: Journalist, copywriter, content writer, communicator, and some teacher roles.

Customer Service

This profile captures the need for people in customer-oriented roles to be kind and accommodating, structured, social, and emotionally stable. It is highly useful when selecting for roles where customer contact is central.

Use this profile when you are looking for

  • a service champion who always places the client center stage

  • a team player who loves working with others and has an easy time collaborating

  • a flexible and resourceful person who adapts quickly to the situation

  • a ‘people person’ with great social skills

  • someone stable and stress-tolerant, and can handle stakeholders in any state.

Example roles: Customer success, customer service, retail clerk, client relations staff.

Attention to Detail

This profile is designed to predict suitability for roles where thoroughness is key. Research shows that success is related to being agreeable, careful, orderly, and rather introverted. The profile is highly suitable when recruiting to detail-oriented roles.

Use this profile when you are looking for

  • a ‘structure pro’ with excellent skills in organizing and systematizing

  • a detail-oriented person who always keeps track of the fine print and is excellent at fact checking and proofing

  • someone who is meticulous and strongly quality-conscious;

  • a ‘finisher’ who will not settle for 95 percent but instead see tasks through to the end

  • a reflective and thoughtful individual who works well in a low-key environment and does not mind occasionally repetitive tasks.

Example roles: Administrator, accounting clerk, quality assurance tester, medical assistant.


This profile draws on the research insight that logical ability is even more predictive in technical roles than in other professions. It is suitable in selection for a wide variety of technical roles, such as engineers and IT specialists.

Use this profile when you are looking for

  • a bright and analytical tech person with a strong ability to solve complex problems and make decisions based on limited information

  • a fast learner who can quickly get up to speed regardless of the task type

  • a goal-oriented ‘doer’ who cares about the results and always wants to excel

  • someone who is structured and organized, with a diligent mindset.

Example roles: Engineer, software developer, systems architect, technical project manager, technician.

Integrity / Safety

This profile draws on research on what predicts integrity in the workplace, i.e., the opposite of so-called counterproductive work behaviour: cheating, stealing, bending the rules, disregarding policies and prescriptions. It is suitable for roles that entail responsibility for safety arrangements, compliance to rules and procedures, and reporting of deviations and problems.

Use this profile when you are looking for

  • an honest and reliable individual with a clear moral compass

  • a quality-conscious person who is motivated to follow rules and reluctant to taking time-saving shortcuts that might jeopardize quality or safety

  • a true ‘organization citizen’ who goes the extra mile to make sure things are done with high quality and diligence.

Example roles: Machine operator, construction worker, safety guard.

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