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How Is My Logic Test Score Calculated?

In this article we go over how to interpret the result distribution graph in the logic test report and how scores are calculated.

Updated this week

The Graph

When you complete Alva's Logic test you are given a detailed report describing your result. One part of this report includes a graph showing the questions that you responded to in the test - and whether you got them right or wrong.

Each circle represents a question that you got during the test. Green circles indicate questions that you answered correctly in the test, and red circles indicate questions that you responded incorrectly to.

The graph also present the number of questions you were assigned with various difficulty levels. In the example above, most questions were of a difficulty equal to a score of 8.

Score Calculation

In the graph, we can see that the test taker ended up with a score of 9, marked by the grey area. The final score reflects the most likely level of logical ability, given how you have responded to the test questions.

In other words, the score is not calculated solely on the number of correct answers that you got. Neither is it calculated based on the most difficult question that you managed to solve. Instead, heavily simplified, the score is calculated based on the difficulty of the questions that you got right and the importance of that question.

In the above example, the test taker got many questions on a difficulty of 8 correct, but also quite a few incorrect! The test taker did also manage to complete a question of 9 and 10 respectively. Because of that, the test takers estimated level of logical ability at the end of the test was 9.

Want to learn more about the statistical model powering Alva's logic test? Click here to access our technical manual!

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