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Alva's Role Fit Update

Learn what happens when your organization is updated to use Alva's new Role Fit

Updated this week

Using well researched methods when hiring is essential to finding great talent. However, from research its clear that a method to systematically combine the data is as important to make good decisions from it.

Introducing Role Fit

All candidates will now have a calculated Role fit score. Role fit combines the scores from all assessments, making it easy to see which candidate has the overall best fit towards the job hired for.

The Role fit calculation can be tailored to each process by setting the importance of each assessment. The Importance level determines how much weight the score of an assessment is given towards Role fit. The higher the importance is, the more influence that assessment will have on the overall combination.

Custom Score

Alva is now more flexible than ever before. For each job, you can define a custom score combination to fit your process. For example, if you tend to assess technical skills using a coding test in combination with a technical interview, this is the perfect way to do it.

Personality Profiles

Test profiles will become Personality profiles. A Personality profile, much like its predecessor, represents a combination of personality traits that predict performance in a specific type of work. While a Test profile affected the evaluation of both logical ability and personality, a Personality profile only influences the results of the personality test.

The matching calculation for a Personality profile is also more advanced, allowing us to use a single complexity level per profile instead of the three different levels used previously.

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