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What is Kombo?

Kombo Technologies GmbH is an ATS integration partner of Alva. Here you'll find information on frequently asked questions regarding Kombo.

Updated over a year ago

What is Kombo? or Kombo Technologies GmbH is an ATS integration partner of Alva. Kombo has integrations with a large number of ATS providers and act as a single source of contact that allows Alva to access these integrations through their API. This makes it possible for you as a customer to connect your Alva account to the account you have with your ATS provider.

Kombo is ISO 27001 certified and stores and processes all data within the EU. Alva has a data processing agreement with Kombo and by proceeding with a particular ATS integration, you as an Alva customer acknowledge and agree to Kombo Technologies GmbH as a sub-processor under your data processing agreement with Alva.

How does Kombo work?

Kombo integrates into a partner ATS, processing & transferring the relevant data to Alva to manage the Alva assessment process.

The data flow looks like below:

What data are read from the ATS for the integration to work?

Following data is required for Alva to make the integration work. Kombo provides a software layer that caches this data but they won’t directly access it.

  • Read jobs (we use this data to sync the job in Alva platform)

    • Job name

    • Description

    • Status

    • Visibility (public/private state of a job)

    • Location

    • Opened at

    • Created at

    • Updated at

  • Read users (We use this data to give permission to relevant people to view & manage jobs in Alva platform)

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Email

  • Read candidates (We use this data to invite & manage candidate assessments)

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Title of the candidate

    • Whether the application is confidential

    • Email address

    • Created at

    • Updated at

  • Read application stages (We use this data to trigger Alva assessments in the correct ATS stage)

    • The stage the application is at right now (applied, screening, assessment, etc

  • Read tags (We use this data to check for any tags relevant to Alva)

    • Name

  • Read application (We use this data to invite & manage candidate assessments)

    • The stage the application is at right now (applied, screening, assessment, etc.)

    • The job the application belongs to

    • First + last name of the candidate

    • Email address of the candidate

    • Whether the application is confidential

    • Title of the candidate

  • Create & manage applications (We use these rights to update the candidate results in the candidate/application section within the ATS)

Can Alva or Kombo see sensitive data from the ATS such as candidate phone numbers, salary expectations, interview notes and more?

No, only the specific information mentioned above is accessible for Alva/Kombo.

Is my ATS data handled safely?

At Alva, we cherish the security of our services and we hold our service providers to equally high standards. Any transfer of data to Kombo is done pursuant to a data processing agreement between Alva and Kombo. Alva acts solely upon your instruction when it comes to transferring data to Kombo and adheres strictly to the terms of the data processing agreement between us and our customer in this regard.

Kombo is ISO 27001 certified and stores and processes all data within the EU.

What is the legal structure between me as an Alva customer, Alva & Kombo?

Alva's customer is the data controller for the data that is handled by Alva, the ATS and Kombo. Alva is a data processor of the customer and shares data only upon the instruction of the customer to Kombo. These instructions are included in the data processing agreement we enter into with all our customers.

Kombo is a sub-processor of Alva and shares data with the ATS upon instruction from Alva's customer (through Alva). These instructions are included in the data processing agreement between Alva and Kombo, which mirrors Alva's obligations under the data processing agreement with the customer.

The ATS is another data processor to you as a customer. Any transfer of data between your ATS and Kombo is done based on your instructions and governed by the terms for API integrations provided by your ATS.

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