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How to Use Alva's Custom Score

Learn how to activate the custom score and review the results from it.

Updated this week

The custom score allows you to combine scores from only assessments that you select. This allows you to compare candidates in Alva in a way that fits your hiring process exactly.

How to Turn on the Custom Score?

In a job position, go to the Assessments tab. In the Score combinations section you can toggle which assessments that are added to the job that should be included in the custom score.

You can rename the custom score to better describe how it is being used in this job position. For example, a custom score that combines a coding test with a technical interview could be called "Technical round". Or a score that combines the logic and personality test could be titled "Potential score".

How to Review Results

When the custom score is activated, it becomes visible in the candidate table.

Candidates will only get a result on the custom score when all added assessments have been completed!

Each candidate will also have a new tab added for the custom score. This tab shows an overview of only the assessments that have been included in the custom score.

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