1. Identify what you are looking for
Select which Test profile is suitable for the role you are hiring for. The profile will help you look for personality traits and level of logical ability that predicts success in that type of job.
Decide what level of fit the candidates need to have based on their Alva test results to move forward in the recruitment process - from 0% to 100%
Align any basic requirements needed (e.g., certain skills)
2. Assess all applicants using Alva psychometrics
Create the job position in Alva and invite your candidates to complete the assessments
Review results and decide which candidates to move forward with
3. Screen for any requirements needed for this specific position
Screen your candidates on the absolute requirements for the role you are hiring for. Great screening criteria are binary, such as having a driving license or a specific required certification. Avoid screening on grades or specific schools as these are less reliable
Consider if candidates not fulfilling the requirements could be interesting to look at for any other position not demanding these specific requirements
4. Candidate selection
Move forward with other methods predictive of performance on the job such as structured interviews, coding assessments or other work sample tests.
A good general rule is to have the more labour intensive assessments later on with only a few candidates. Both to save you and the candidate time!