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Use the Event Manager to send Alva test automatically

Leverage the Event Manager to automize sending tests in ReachMee

Updated over 2 years ago

The ReachMee Event Manager can be setup to automatically send tests to candidates under specific conditions. In this article we'll go over a basic setup that will allow you to automatically send an email informing about the tests and a test invitation to candidates moved into a chosen folder.

Before we setup the the Event Manager we need to have selected a Test Profile and added a new folder for Alva's tests.

Setting up the Event Manager

The Event Manager can either be setup on a specific project, or as a reusable template (templates can be created via ReachMee's Admin settings).

First, we'll setup the Event type. This will determine when actions that we add will be triggered. Set the Event type to Was moved into folder will lead to both our information email and test invitation to automatically be sent when we move candidates to our selected folder. In the menu that appears just below, choose which folder to use - here we'll select Alva Labs - Tester.

Make sure to click Enabled to activate the settings.

Next, expand the section Always do this. Here we'll add our actions. First set a title for the actions, for example Alva email and test invitation, and tick the box labeled Enabled to activate the actions.

Send candidate information email

Click on Add action and select Send email in the drop down menu.

From here, we can select from available email templates or write our own email. For this guide we'll use Alva's generic candidate communication template. We also need to select to whom the email will be sent to, in this case The candidate.

The configuration should now look like the image below.

Send an Alva test invitation

Next, let's add another Action, select Send test invitation in the drop down menu. Evaluations will be preselected for us, so we only need to tick the box with the positions selected Test profile. The configuration should now look like the image below.

All done!

Just click save and you're all set. Any candidates that are moved to the selected folder will receive both our information email and a test invitation.

From this basic setup you can on your own further customize the flow by adding extra rules and actions, such as personal email notifications and more.

Here's an image of our final configuration for reference:

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