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Getting started with Team Fit

Here we outline the steps to start using team fit

Updated over a year ago

Invite Team Members

The first step is to invite all members of a given team to create accounts in Alva as employee-level users. It’s often the case that the ability to add new users is limited to Admin-level users. So, to get started you will either need to be one or receive help from one.

Take the Personality Assessment

After a team member has accepted their email invitation, the second step is for them to complete the personality assessment. The assessment can be found at the bottom of the home page under the title Experience the tests.

Create and Assign Teams

After everyone has completed the personality assessment, the third step is to create a team and assign them to it.

Now you’re set up to use the Team Fit function in an upcoming recruitment!

Associate a job position with a team

To compare a candidate to a team, you need to associate the job position with the relevant team. To do so, go to the Settings tab of a job position and under Position settings select the relevant team from the drop-down menu in the field titled “In which team is the position?”

Compare a candidate to a team

Now that the job position is associated with the relevant team, navigate back to the Candidates tab, click on the checkbox next to the name of any candidate, and then select the button “Compare to team” as shown below.

This will launch the Team Fit page.

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