In team fit you have the possibility to review how individual team members and candidates relate to each other and the overall team dynamics.
There are two overarching views in the Team Fit function: Team dynamics and Personality team results, which can be toggled between.
Team Dynamics
Team dynamics shows a so-called relative view, assessing the team's internal functioning whereby the team members and selected candidates are compared to each other, rather than the outside world.
Most of us tend to have one role that we prefer in general, but we also tend to adapt according to what team we are currently in.
The team dynamics graph shows you which roles the members are likely to take in this unique team setting, given the specific personality composition that the group has.
You can find more information on how to interpret this graph, here.
You can find more information on how to manage employees and candidates included in this graph, here.
Team overview shows a so-called absolute view, comparing the team members and selected candidates to the world. This view represents the role we prefer to take on in general (where we are likely to be most comfortable), without considering the specific team context.
In addition, you will find some overall team insights in regard to their mode of working, relationships and conflict. These insights are based on the absolute view from the Team Overview and will not change based on the specific team dynamic.
Individual Insights
If you press the avatar of an individual in the team graph you will be able to review individual insights for that person.
This will then highlight the differences between the individual and the rest of the team β such as in the example below.
Personality Team Results
Within Team Fit you have the possibility to press the tab Personality team results at the top of the page.
Personality team results plots the individual team member results into each of the 5 Factors included in the Big Five Personality model, to make for easier comparison on each factor. You can see an example of Agreeableness, below:
In this view, you can see the distribution of scores on all personality factors and how the personality results of employees and candidates appear when compared side-by-side. We also provide insights into the average and variance for each personality factor for both the current and new team including the added candidates.
This tab, however, is only accessible to users with the permission Access personality test results for whole organization
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