Once you have activated Alva's integration with Greenhouse you are ready to start sending out assessments to your job applicants through Greenhouse.
To get started using Alva with Greenhouse, you can read the below article, or you can watch this brief video that takes you through the basic steps:
How to configure Alva as a stage in your pipeline
Step 1: Starting from Job Dashboard, go to "Job Setup" (1), "Interview Plan" (2) and "Add a Stage" (3).
Step 2: A menu will appear. Click on "Alva Labs" (1) and then "Add" (2).
Now that you have configured Alva tests as a stage in your pipeline your next step should be choosing a test profile.
How to choose test profile
Step 1: Choosing a test profile is done in the Alva website. Starting from Alva, click on the relevant job.
Step 2: In the job menu, click "Settings" (1). Then click on the arrow (2) next to "Test assessment" which opens a drop down menu, click on "Change" (2).
Step 3: Select which test profile you want to use then press "Select" to save you choice.
Please note: The same tests are sent to all candidates. The option to change test profile only changes how the results are interpreted, for more information on test profiles click HERE.
Now the test profile that you chose will be used when viewing scores in Greenhouse. Now you are ready to send the tests!
How to send the Alva tests
Step 1: When all the required configuration is completed you can start sending out tests to candidates. In order to send tests, navigate to one of your candidates that is in the Alva Labs stage and click "Send Test".
Step 2: Fill in the applicants email-adress, the appropriate test and a grader. Then proceed to click "Send Test".
Note: All configuration of the assessment itself, as well as the email template, will need to be done in Alva.
Great job! You have now sent a test from Alva using Greenhouse. Here follows how to send tests to multiple candidates at once and also how to view their results.
Sending tests to multiple candidates simultaneously
Step 1: Starting from the Job Dashboard, click on "Candidates" (1). Next tick the boxes associated with the candidates that you want to send tests to (2). Then click on "Edit Selected" (3).
Step 2: Click on the "Send Tests" option.
Now all the candidates that you have selected will receive the tests!
How to view test results i greenhouse
Step 1: Starting from the Job Dashboard, click on "Candidates" (1). Next click on a candidate that has completed their tests (2). To see if the candidate has completed their tests, check the status text next to the candidates name (underlined with red).
Step 2: From this page you can see the role fit of the selected candidate (marked in red).
Thank you for reading this guide!
Please contact support@alvalabs.io or your Customer Success Manager for troubleshooting assistance.