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Assigning Interviewers

How to assign an interview scorecard to an interviewer

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Once you have created an interview template and added it to a job, it is time to assign the job of conducting the interview to one or more people on the team.

To accommodate panel interviews, it is possible to assign multiple interviewers to a single interview. It's also possible to assign multiple candidates to the same interviewer(s).

There are two different ways to assign interviewers, which are detailed in the video above and in writing below:

From the Job Position:

  • Select the candidate(s) by clicking on the checkbox next to each of their names, select the relevant interview, and then press the button Assign interviewers.

  • If you are the one who will be interviewing the candidate, select the three dots to the far right of the candidate and select Interview this candidate from the drop-down list

From the Candidate Page:

  • When viewing an individual candidate, click on the Interviews tab. From this section, you will see all interviews associated with the hiring process. Navigate to the specific interview you want to assign an interviewer and then select Manage interviewers.

  • If you are the one who will be interviewing the candidate, select Interview this candidate

When assigning interviewers, you will have the option to notify them by email and receive a direct link to the interview scorecard. If you'd prefer not to notify them by email, you can simply toggle off the option and when they log in to Alva they will also find their assigned interviews under Assessment > Your interviews.

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